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Naming Ceremonies
Baby Naming Ceremonies

Naming Ceremony

Naming Ceremonies

A Naming Service of a child is a joyous and memorable occasion that can be shared with family and friends.   It is also a delightful way to celebrate and welcome a child into the family, and for the parents to make their commitment to the child that they will be the best parents they can be and to explain why they picked the child's name.


Friends or family can be designated as ‘supporting adults’ who will play a part in caring and sharing their love and knowledge.


Your Naming Ceremony can be a Spiritual or a non-secular event, as an independent Minister I can carry out either for you.


It can be held indoors in your own home, in a hotel or a community centre etc, perhaps outdoors in your back garden, in a park, at a beach, whichever is your choice and in certain circumstances in a hospital.


If you decide to choose me as your celebrant we can meet either in person or on zoom, whatever you prefer and we can discuss the type of ceremony you would like and the location.


I will supply a naming certificate which the parents and ‘supporting adults’ can sign and keep.


There are many ways that you can celebrate a Naming Service.


  • Tree planting is also a lovely way to commemorate this occasion or you could make a gift of seeds or bulbs for the guests to plant.


  • A memory box could be created and the guests could bring something relating to the child’s birthday on that day.   It could be a photograph, a gift, or a recorded message and if you like can be sealed during the Naming Ceremony and could be opened when they reach 18 or 21.


  • Blowing bubbles is a great alternative to releasing balloons.


  • Lighting candles whilst a poem is being read or music being played can be quite significant in the ceremony


  • Having a sand ceremony is also quite poignant and it allows everyone to join in and as they add their sand it represents their commitment that they are willing to contribute to the well-being of the child.


  • Another idea is to have a guest book that family and friends can sign and write a comment for the child to keep.                                                       


My fee is £250

If the venue is outside the areas I work then I would need to charge extra for  fuel

Naming Ceremonies

+44 7788532844

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